
Are You Too Busy to Play?

By Sara-Lynne Levine October 3, 2018

How many times have your kids come to you, asking you to play with them, and you responded "I'm too busy to play?" Now, imagine, going to your child, wanting to do something with them, and they respond,  "Sorry, mom, I'm too busy."

We're all busy. We have obligations, work responsibilities, volunteer activities, that trip to the gym, and looking after our families. At the end of a typical day, we're all tired and spent. How many times have you said you're too busy to play?

Kids today are busy as well. School, extra-curricular activities, homework, chores, etc... Yet, (hopefully) most kids find the time to play. Whether outside with friends playing ball, or in the basement on a device, kids still find time to relax and have fun. What is it that kids know that we don't?

Recently, my son asked me to play a board game and I said no, I was too tired. He said "you know mom, I'm going to university soon, and I want to do stuff as a family so I have lots of memories." That got me deep in my gut. 

Since then, I've been making an effort to "play more". Family game nights are happening more frequently. We recently did an escape room together and had a blast. We're planning a trip to a national park for a hike. While these things, on my part, need to be planned or sometimes scheduled, I'm trying to make more time to play with my kids. I want to be present, available and yes, make memories. 

I have also realized, I'm not too busy to play. It's a choice to play, and one I'm embracing.

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